My mother, a nurse and pharmacist, has done several trips with Habitat for Humanity. Her most recent, last year, was to a small village outside of Kumasi, Ghana called Kyekyewere. While there, she observed the living conditions of villagers and was impressed by their need for basic healthcare, sanitation and clean water. Upon returning to the United States, she decided to create a foundation whose goal is to build a health clinic in the village to provide a sustainable point of care as well as additional clean water and sanitation.
My blog is to retroactively share my experience as a first time traveler to Ghana and first time involvement with any international health project. Ideally, I could have blogged from Ghana, but due to poor and infrequent internet connections, I am doing so from home afterwards. I wrote about 50 pages in a journal that I am using for reference.
This, like most good things, is an ongoing learning experience for us all. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.
I can't wait to hear more. I am so proud of your mother for finding the inspiration and means to start this project and to you for going out there and doing obviously much needed work. You guys rule.
I second all that Rachel said and am cheers-ing you even further to sit down and take the time to put this blog together in the aftermath. I can't wait to read on....
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